Friday, July 6, 2012



What's Follows?

 Of curse the fish are only the biggest fish in their own word , but they don't know that ,only we do.We can be excellent observes we can have facts plainly before us , but still go wrong in the making of Inference .

 Understanding The Words Infer And Inference 

 We use inferences every hour of the day in all it's forms of imagining ,guessing ,estimating ,predicting, and concluding.Inferences govern our simplest action .

 How Inference Can Go Right And Wrong

 We make inference to help us fill in for missing fact and in order to sense of fact we have . As we make inferences ,we have to keep checking them against our facts,otherwise we can build one faulty inference on top of another . Let us now consider contrasting example of how inferences can create either knowledge or confusion .Lets begin with a reading selection showing the thinking of that master of skillful inference ,sherlock Holmes .

Drawing Inferences From Careful Observation 

  1. The facts appear first followed by the inferences that can reasonably be drawn from them .
  2. More than one inference can be drawn from each set of facts
  3. The factual information groups together  the details of segment or feature of photograph at a time 
  4. The conclusion draws together the facts and the possible  inferences into a plausible explanation of the message ,purpose and meaning of the photograph .

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